Tuesday, October 20, 2009

The Day Government Funded Propaganda Came to the Mailbox

Hello all, today was a very interesting day. I learned about a mass vaccination drill that occurred in Bucks County PA, my home county. I received this mailer from buckscounty.org and when I opened it I was shocked to read a mass vaccination for the seasonal flu shot "drill" had occurred just minutes from my house. So like the very concerned citizen that I am, I called the Bucks County Health department and started asking questions. I was connected to a women in the nursing department who's name I'll leave out of this posting. First I asked her was this a compulsory exercise for the people who showed up. Her response was no, which made me smirk for only a second. My next question was simply; how many participated? Her response was very disturbing. "6500 people were vaccinated, it was great"! My next question to her was; who paid for this exercise? She had no response because she didn't know. I then started asking her about PA house bill 492 the emergency health powers act which is in committee right now. She was clueless and didn't know what I was talking about. In turn I started telling her about the sweeping powers the bill grants to "public health official of the county" who's name is David Damsker MD MPH. And again she was clueless, and after one of those really long uncomfortable pauses she said I can transfer you to his voicemail. I thought "PAYDIRT" maybe I can finally get some answers, so I said sure. I left Mr Damsker a message at around 12:30 pm and didn't expect a response, but to my surprise he himself called me back at around 4:10
During my conversation with Dr. Damsker my first question to him was. Who paid for this mass vaccination "drill" ? He said it was "federal money" . I replied Homeland Security funded this? Yes was his response, but then he paused and said "well maybe all I know it was federal money not local tax dollars" . After a brief pause, I then asked him if he knew about Pa house bill 492. His response was no he hadn't heard of the bill. I proceeded to tell him what powers the bill granted him under direction of the Governor . I could tell he was genuinely shocked by what I was telling him. He then started rationalizing the need for such legislation and how people who posed a serious health risk to other's should rightfully be quarantined. As a medical doctor I can see his point, but this bill has broad language that can interpreted in either direction. So my next point to him was that the bill also contained restrictions on firearm sales and transfers during a state of public health emergency. He simply responded " why is that in there" and I replied "I really don't know". Our conversation lasted about 10 minutes, and Dr Damsker thanked me for contacting him and giving him the information and said he would look into the bill and follow up on this. My response was "I Hope you will, I hope you will".

Craig Motyka

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